Community Wellness
The Northside is a community that cares about the health and wellness of its residents.
In a thriving neighborhood, promoting wellness involves more than just physical health. It’s important to nurture the mental and physical well-being of residents, as well as foster a sense of belonging. We strive to provide access to medical care, mental health support, healthy foods, parks, paths, and green spaces.
Community Health Services
A group of community health services have opened physical locations in the Northside, providing the community with a vital health and wellness resources at their fingertips.
Northside Parks
The Northside boasts an expanding menu of parks that provide respite, rejuvenation and recreation opportunities for people of all ages.
Dr. TK Gregg Community Center
As part of the Northside Re-Development Plan, the City of Spartanburg built a new state of the art community center at the former site of Oakview Apartments.
Harvest Park
Harvest Park is the home of Hub City Farmers’ Market, an urban farm, the Monarch Café, a training center for the Butterfly Foundation, and a gathering place for residents.
Learn more about our other pillars
Mixed Income Housing
Cradle to College Education
Economic Vitality