We empower resident-led community transformation.
We serve to encourage and manage the redevelopment of the City of Spartanburg’s Northside community, honoring its past and expanding the opportunities for a mix of affordable and market rate housing, economic, educational, recreational, health, and social opportunities for its residents.
Our Philosophy is that everyone who wants to live in the Northside Community should be able to live in the Northside Community. The solutions and improvements we bring to the table will always keep this philosophy in mind. It's the reason we're seeking ways to bring mixed-income housing and find ways of minimizing relocation efforts.
In order to continue the transformation of the Northside community, we rely on our resident-led organization, the Northside Voyagers. The Northside Voyagers is a resident leadership team passionately and genuinely interested in the continued growth/betterment of the Northside community. Along with the Northside development Group (NDG), and our partners, we envision an all-inclusive community dedicated to prosperity and empowerment through partnerships. The mission of the Northside Voyagers is changing the community one brick at a time while remembering its rich and diverse history.
As a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, our operation is funded and supported through partners, donors, and volunteers.
Thrive Spartanburg
Thrive Spartanburg is an initiative of the Northside Development Group providing resources and training to surrounding neighborhoods to empower resident-led community transformation.
Thrive Spartanburg works to build trust with neighboring communities in the city of Spartanburg and support from community partners by providing development expertise and technical support to implement community transformation plans.
To learn more, visit ThriveSpartanburg.com
Purpose Built Communities
Purpose Built Communities is a nonprofit organization dedicated to implementing resident-centered, holistic neighborhood revitalization. We ground our work in the foundational beliefs that race and place matter. By cultivating connected, mutually contributing communities, we take action and build bridges to create lasting impact.
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<h2 class="section-title">A New Foundation</h2>
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<img src="icon1.png" alt="Icon 1" class="icon">
<p class="caption">Provide a variety of lighting and streetscape improvements throughout the Northside</p>
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<img src="icon2.png" alt="Icon 2" class="icon">
<p class="caption">Creating the Northside Transformation Plan</p>
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<img src="icon3.png" alt="Icon 3" class="icon">
<p class="caption">Bring improved single and multi family housing, both affordable and at market rate, to the Northside area</p>
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<img src="icon4.png" alt="Icon 4" class="icon">
<p class="caption">Reduce the number of abandoned and dilapidated buildings by purchasing strategic properties throughout the Northside area</p>
Description text goes here
Item description
A holistic approach to community transformation.

Provide a variety of lighting and streetscape improvements throughout the Northside

Creating the Northside Transformation Plan

Bring improved single and multi family housing, both affordable and at market rate, to the Northside area

Reduce the number of abandoned and dilapidated buildings by purchasing strategic properties throughout the Northside area

Creating access to things like grocery stores, banking, retail, recreation outlets and quality schools

Creating outdoor recreational areas in which neighbors and community members can foster relationships and share family values

Making significant improvements to local schools

Helping to provide quality educational resources ranging from cradle to college and/or career

Faciliated the development of the Franklin School Early Learning Center
Our Values
We value transparency in and across all our relationships. We share information openly and honestly with residents, our partners, and colleagues.
We will allow integrity and honesty to guide our decisions, with quality of life for the people of the Northside being our compass.
We understand that part of our success depends on moving with urgency while being thoughtful. We are responsive to residents' needs and interests by consistently seeking their feedback and intentionally incorporating it into our plans and actions. This ensures that strategies evolve as the community's priorities and changing conditions do.
We ground our work in the foundational beliefs that race and place matter. We strive to serve this community in a way that is affirming to residents and reflects the culture and history. We do this by engaging staff and volunteers who represent the neighborhood and who seek to understand the realities of racism, the community's history of marginalization, and the associated trauma as they live out their daily work.
We dare to tackle difficult issues and pursue ambitious goals that lead to lasting positive change for the communities we serve. Complex challenges do not dissuade us. We embrace innovative approaches that challenge norms and unlock new opportunities.
The NDG Team
Carmeisha White
Interim CEO / Director of Operations & Finance
LeKesa Whitner
Director of Community Programs
Tony Thomas
Community Engagement Manager
Khala Hawes
Communications Manager
Precious Rivers
Operations Coordinator
Kim Black
Community Development Coordinator
Gigail Petty
Family Academy Manager
Rossi Hames
Family Academy Coordinator
Makelia Dawkins
Academic Success Coach
Delisah Reid
Academic Success Coach
Chelle Jones
Family Navigator
Ronesha Boggs
Family Navigator
The Board
John Verreault, III
Board Chair & Senior Vice President, TD Bank
Catherine Black
Board Vice Chair & Partner, Odgers Berndtson
Reggie Geter
Secretary & Special Events Coordinator, City of Spartanburg
Alex Powell
Board Treasurer & Commercial Real Estate
Wanda Cheeks
Community Engagement Coordinator, City of Spartanburg
Dr. Larry Crudup
Lead Pastor of Mount Moriah Baptist Church
Shaunte Evans
CEO, Spartanburg Housing
Troy Hanna
President & CEO, Spartanburg County Foundation
Laura Henthorn
Vice President, Mark III Properties
Meredith Lindsey
Community Volunteer
Tamara Makupson
Northside Voyager
Molly Talbot-Metz
President/CEO, Mary Black Foundation
Carey Rothschild
Director of Community Health Strategy & Policy, Spartanburg Regional Health System
Tim Schmitz
Provost, Wofford College
Loretta Singleton
Retired Property Manager
Chris Story
City Manager, City of Spartanburg
Teresa Wray
Former Teacher, Bright Horizons
Mary Thomas
Board Chair Emerita & CEO, CF Leads
Bill Barnet, III
Member Emeritus & Founding Board Chair
Northside Voyagers
Linda Askari
Voyager President
Tony Thomas
Northside Voyager
Wanda Cheeks
Northside Voyager
Tamara Makupson
Northside Voyager
Cynthia Bell
Northside Voyager
Deborah Moore-Wade
Northside Voyager
Kelly Richard
Northside Voyager
Maxine Kelly
Northside Voyager
Rosa Berry
Northside Voyager
Minnie Johnson
Northside Voyager
Anita Miller
Northside Voyager
Ebony Wood
Northside Voyager
Monique Watson
Northside Voyager
Sandra Dawkins
Northside Voyager
Jeree Rogers
Northside Voyager
Jacquline Petty
Northside Voyager
The Supporters
Bank of America
First Citizens Bank
TD Charitable Foundation
Truist Bank
Carolina Foothills FCU
Wells Fargo Foundation
United Community Bank
South State Bank
National Bank of SC, now First National Bank of SC
Park National Bank
Synovus Bank
First Horizon Bank
Regions Bank
Pinnacle Financial Partners
City of Spartanburg
Creative Builders
Duke Energy
Harper Corporation
NHE, Inc
J HP Architects
James White Enterprises
Oak and Ave Property Group
RH Quinn & Company
Site Design
SC Community Loan Fund
Spartanburg Housing
Spartanburg County
US Dept of HUD
Ballmer Group
Barnet Development Corporation
Blue Meridian Partners
Carolina Panthers
Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Foundation
Cheohee Holding Group
Crane Fund for Widows and Children
Dellfrio, LLC
The Duke Endowment
Episcopal Church of Advent
Gibbs Charitable Foundation
Inman - Riverdale Foundation
Long Leaf Foundation
Mark Ill Properties
Mary Black Foundation
McMillan Pazdan Smith, LLC
McNair Law Firm
Milliken Foundation
Montgomery Development Group
OneSpartanburg, Inc.
Phifer/Johnson Foundation
Purpose Built Communities, LLC
Seamon Whiteside and Associates
Shortia Flower Club
Sisters of Charity Foundation
Spartanburg Academic Movement
Spartanburg County Foundation
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
Tindall Corporation
United Way of Piedmont
Wardlaw Education Fund
White Elephant Enterprises
White Oak Management
The Arts Partnership
The Bridge at Green Street
Barnet Development Corporation
Butterfly Foundation
BVI Development
Carolina Foothills Federal Credit Union
City of Spartanburg
Cleveland/Northside Neighborhood Association
Converse College
First AME Church
Green Street
Habitat for Humanity
Homes of Hope
Hope Ministries
Hub City Farmers Market
Integral Solutions
J.W. Woodward Funeral Home
Mary Black Foundation
NAACP Spartanburg Branch
National Development Council
Northside Voyagers
Piedmont Community Actions
Piedmont Interstate Fair
ReGenesis Health Care
SC Community Loan Fund
Spartanburg Community College
Spartanburg County
Spartanburg County Community Development
Spartanburg County Foundation
Spartanburg County Public Libraries
Spartanburg Housing Authority
Spartanburg Methodist College
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
Spartanburg School District 7
Spartanburg Water System
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
United Way of the Piedmont
University of SC Upstate
Upstate Workforce Board
Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM)
Wofford College